Wiki CrayonCode: Lost Ark Fishing Bot - Wiki & Troubleshooting

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Feb 25, 2022
Fishbot Ark is a Lost Ark Fishing Bot that has been released since 2019.
And since then has received multiple updates while remaining free!

INSTRUCTIONS - Please read and follow the instructions Carefully



Note: The following should be present in your computer in order for Fishbot Ark to work properly.

VC++ Redist 2019 (x86 & x64)
Download ONLY the version of which your Operating System supports.


Install the Requirements

Note: Please install the required software & runtimes with Administrator privilege to avoid errors.
Install the pre-requisites in order to avoid errors.

Install 64bit AutoIt Library
  1. Start the AutoIt Installer after download. And proceed with installing the software.
  2. Copy AutoItX3_x64.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoItX.
  3. Paste AutoItX3_x64.dll into C:\Windows\System32\.
  4. Click Start from taskbar and type "command prompt". Then run as Admin.
  5. Copy this command and paste it into your Command Prompt. %windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe %windir%\System32\AutoItX3_x64.dll
  6. Hit enter to register the 64bit version of AutoIt Library.

Install VC++ 2019

  1. Install the x86 or x64 version of VC++ 2019 depending on your operating system.
  2. If you have already installed the VC++, you can skip this step.
  3. Restart your computer.
Setting up the bot (Video Guide)

Frequently Asked Questions

Started the bot but it auto closes.
You have not installed the requirements. Specially AutoIt.
If you have Installed AutoIt and the bot still closes, you did not register the 64bit version of AutoIt Library.

Bot is stuck in between "Waiting for bite" & "Fish caught".
This happens because you did not capture the color of (!).
(!) is the indication that the Fish took the bait.
To solve this, cast your rod normally without the bot and screenshot the game when (!) appears.
Then paste the screenshot in MSPaint.
Now, using the bot, take the color of (!) from MSPaint.

Bot is stuck in Changing from Trade Skills to Active Skills.
This issue is 100% caused by the bot not seeing the "fish_gear.png".
You can take screenshot in game when you are near the "cogwheel" or the "trap pole" in some fishing spots.
Take screenshot of it and paste it in MSPaint and then crop it using the MSPaint's selection tool.
Note: Do not make the image big or too small. Good size is 20x20 up to 32x32 pixels.

Bot is stuck after setting fish_gear.png.
This is caused by the bot not seeing the "fish_cast_skill.png".
Do the same steps above, take screenshot and paste it in MSPaint then crop it using MSPaint's selection tool.
Optimal size is 20x20 or 32x32 pixels.

Bot is not detecting zero durability Fishing Rods.
In order for this to work, setup the bot properly.
Open the bot settings and browse to "Extras 2".
Similar setup using the ! configuration locate where is the indicator of zero durability in game.
This is usually found in upper right corner of your screen before the Minimap.
Take the color of the indicator usually in color red or maroon.
This tells the bot that when this icon appears in your screen the tool your character is using has zero durability.

Bot is not replacing the zero durability Fishing Rods.
This is because the bot is not seeing the "fishing_rod.png".
Take a screenshot and paste it into MSPaint.
Crop the fishing rod icon in your inventory.
If you are using Green and you want to use Blue Fishing Rod, then crop the Blue Fishing Rod.

How does repairing fishing rod works?
In Settings -> Extars 2 -> Broken Tool Color. This is the color "maroon" by default that can be found in upper right corner next to Minimap when you have a 0 durability tool/item/gear. It will only be visible when you are equipping 0 durability items.
Then in bot folder/images/ replace the image of the fishing_rod.png that matches to your fishing rod. Example: If you are using blue rod, replace the image with blue rod and so on.
So the bot first find the "maroon" color using the X & Y coordinates in your screen. IF found, it will open inventory and search for the fishing_rod.png. If Fishing rod not found, it will loop forever. Opening & closing the inventory.
If fishing rod is found it will right click the item and use it then continue fishing.

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